I’ve been on and off this page, wanting to write you something but struggling to find the words. How can anything I write even begin to describe the 20 years of knowing you and the imprint you’ve left behind? I’ve come to the conclusion it’s impossible so you’ll have to make do with some waffling paragraphs and a lot of love. Most importantly, thank you. Thank you for being the best friend to my brother. For watching you grow up together, causing havoc and leaving trails of laughter, for the terrible raps and dodgy drawings and for being a part of our family. Thank you for the friendship you gave me. For the banter (which I look back on fonder than I’m sure I took it at the time 😂) and for making me laugh so hard my belly hurt. Some of my best memories I have are with you, bill and em and I will always treasure them. I still can’t wear red lipstick without thinking of you and bill relentlessly calling me a ‘GAYsha princess’ with much emphasis on the first syllable 😂 But mostly, thank you for being you. The world shone brighter with you in it and the footprint you’ve left behind will forever be scorched into the earth through everyone who remembers you. You’ll always be missed Jonny and I hope wherever you are, you’ve found peace ❤️